Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Beautiful lie

Everybody cries
when you sing that song
everybody trust
every word you say

I know it's just a lie
I know it's just a game
but I don't care
it feels so real
I don't mind
it heals all wounds

It's a beautiful lie
such a beautiful lie
tell it one more time
sing it one more time

All of those emotions
that you can't feel no more
you rescue them from the past
then dress up as your old self

But I don't care
it feels so real
I don't mind
it heals all wounds

Monday, 6 March 2017

The light

He keeps trying in vain
to turn on the light
he's been doing it wrong
since he was young

There are people in his brain
dying to see him fail
he's been feeding them
since he was young

It's not too late to try again
there are new lanes in the shade

Turn on the light

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Weirdly shaped brains

I've got an issue
a big, noisy and smelly issue
in the hips of my brain
I need to find
a quick, cheap and painless cure
before it takes over the wheel

The thing is that
I could give my healthiest kidney
just to spend a night with her
and what is more
I could swap my dearest friend
for her, her, her and her

This little man
is driving me mad

I've got an issue
a big, noisy and smelly issue
oh, doctor help me please
oh, doctor help me please

Doble misfit

En el asfalto que te vio nacer
no tienes donde poder caer
buscas un lugar en el que encajar
no te das cuentas que es muy tarde ya

Está en ti
y no quiere salir
extínguelo ya
o te abrasarás

Oyes voces que hablan de ti
excluido del club del inadaptado
los gritos de ayer resuenan hoy
puede que tinten de negro la verdad

Está en ti
y no quiere salir
extínguelo ya
o te abrasarás

No queda arena en el reloj
es hora de despertar