Sunday, 27 April 2014

To Urgo

You're the one
I know it since 1982
the beautiful slayer
who tenderly kisses
his victims foreheads
the kind destroyer
who cleans up
all the remains
always on my mind
always on my heart
there's no other like you
oh sweet thing
oh lovely me

That hairy back
those sweaty feet
and the habit of
getting trapped
inside your brain
and the fancy way
you torture your friends
there's no one like you
oh sweet thing
oh lovely me

I recall
the day when you burned
the neighbor best curtains
or when you stole
fake daddy's motorbike
and got into night races
with the bad guys

I recreated
that summer morn
when the weather was cold
and you decided to set fire
to the cutest hill in town
or when you welcomed your teacher
with the biggest gob you've ever thrown
all of those unforgettable moments
oh sweet thing
oh lovely me

This was meant to be forever
and that's a very long time
although many days
I would smash your face in
and others drown you in bleach
it's just the way love is
and you and me
oh baby I guess you already know
we were made for each other
like heaven to hell
like the sea to the soil

Monday, 21 April 2014

It's a wonderful life...( if you can pay your rent )

London rents
rouse me
to jump
onto the trains
London rents
drain all
the blood
from my veins

I sweat
I cough
I live
and I die
to be at peace
with my landlord's fists
I trample
I kick
I flatter
and I lick
to avoid the dismiss
from my boxroom's premise

London rents
rise a bit more
there's still people
who spare no expense
London rents
be a bit harder
with the poors
and the ramblers

Oh London rents
don't you ever change
don't even attempt
we get enough wage
to pay for a tent

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Peur de l' amour

Hemos estado
en la piel del otro
en el culo del mundo
en el ojo del huracán
en la boca del lobo
y hasta en las garras del diablo

Pero en ningún lugar
pasamos más miedo
que ante tu mirada
fría e inmaculada

Saturday, 19 April 2014


The last one never comes
can't keep the count
I feel like the major
of the world
everyone's looking at me
and the last one never comes

Forgot the reason
here i am
a 24/7 open throat
drowning memories
too dark to forgive

But they always
Oh yes they

It was you
It was them
I guess it's just me
me and my vain blaming bow
the good half is empty
the other one filled with murk

Some light gets into this cave
my drinking pals are still here
talking about nothing
with their eyes full of nothing
I closed mouth and eyes
I'm diving again
in the Atlantic sea
beating my thirst
with the unbeatable tide
staying afloat
just with my lungs

Delusions from a CCTV-free London corner

Where's the hand
for the fallen?
where's the axe
for the rotten?
anger beats
anger wins
no shields
no bows

Where does love hide
when hate conquers the brain?
where's the key
for the trunk of broken dreams?

Tell them all
tell them to wait
teach them how to fight
one day they'll see
there's a land for everyone
closer than they think
shiner than they see


Dadnos ranas que chupar
pegamento que inhalar
ellas bailan al sol
mientras las sombras
nos devoran
nunca las podremos
mirar a los ojos
nunca las podremos
tocar sin miedo

Helados en el callejón
nadie nos oye llorar
las lágrimas deben sedimentar
hazte uno más
quedan cosas por borrar
rasca más pared
el mañana no ha de llegar

Cogimos el camino del ruido
ningún coche nos paró
las risas nos llevaron
del frio al calor
juntos y solos
solos y locos
sueño de un beso
esperanza en el techo
donde quedarán
estos mil dias para olvidar

Nadie nunca te vio
nadie nunca te oyó
No pudiste esperar
a la fiesta del final
tu cerebro atravesó tu corazón
el aire negro al fin se liberó

Lost keys

Pure feelings
from times of chilling
some summer nights  
I can go back                                    
touch your face
lost mythical space
smell that breeze
sweet taste of untainted

Signals in the air
brought me there
where we got the keys
to all the games
where we didn't really care
where we were

Playing life
learning love
back then when
things had no names

This trendy artist

Come in and meet
the filmmaker without films
the writer without books
the composer without songs
be his fan number 1 
the fan of the artist without art

He thinks all day
about films to make
he dreams all night
about books to write
he's the one and only
artist without art 

He's looking
for a comfy hell
where the devils
raise toasts
with their guests
and the muses
are at his feet
with a blunt blade
on their teeth

He's calling at them
from his rusty golden chair
in polite cowardice
with the fear
that eventually
they'll appear

The new art kids 
want to be him
the new art groupies
want him in
but the truth is 
he's not so deep
he's got no wit
the truth is
art is eating him
and there's nothing
he can do

Duerme, ogro

Ogro durmiente
nunca despiertes
con las garras en alza
puedes dañar
a quien más te danza
oyes las voces
las oyes ahí dentro
todo arañazo
te hace trepitar

Muchos lo reclaman
sus fatuos gritos te ensordecen
pero mejor no despiertes
ogro durmiente
no rompas el cristal
no saltes al corral
solo sangre encontrarás
y en ella te ahogarás

The boss is here, there's nothing to fear

Dick is sick
his brain says yes
his lips say no way
left eye sails west
right one stays in the bay
Dick is lost
his days are no fest
his face is a mess
one foot goes ahead
the other tries to rest

Dick just needs a kiss
instead he claims for a kick
Dick just needs a hug
but he's all covered in mud
call him a prick
call him a prick

He tells himself
get a girl dude
get a doctor dude
get a life dude
but no one listens
inside the shell

Dick's the boss
who can't guide a goat
Dick's the boss
who you could never trust
such a loss
such a loss

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Noche blanca

Caminaba raro, como si la bruma de la bahia quebrase su ritmo. Su voz y el reflejo de la luna en sus ojos eran mi única guía; tal era la penumbra y tal mi devoción.
Solo podía pensar en excentricidades que decir para hacerle reir, y en como sortear todos los obstaculos que solían bordear sus labios.
El sonido del agua acechando la orilla, el opaco vacio entre nosotros y las montañas del lado opuesto, el silencio. El hecho de que ella formara parte de semejante composición acercaba la escena, aún más si cabe, a cualquiera de esos escasos sueños de los que desearías no despertar jamás.
Pero de repente desapareció. Giré la cabeza trás unos segundos de absorta contemplación  y ella desapareció. La noche o las aguas se la llevaron. Grité al cielo y grité al mar. Nada. Corrí a través de las sombras y me estremecí ante la idea de perderla. Pasaron los minutos, corrieron las lágrimas y se rasgó mi garganta. Los minutos tornaron horas, las lágrimas nubes negras y las notas de mi voz susurros compungidos.

Se tumbó sobre la arena y asistió al desfile de agua condensada que bañaba el rojizo cielo.
Oyó su voz, vio sus ojos, lejos, muy lejos de allí.
La sangre de sus manos empezaba a secarse.

Nebraskan wings

It's the fowl you've heard about
the one that never lands
awakes the sleeper
calms the worn
It's in every sweet song
and in every sweated dream

But it's not the time
it's not the place
you'll have to wait
you'll have to brawl

For those
Nebraskan wings
worth the crash
worth the scars
Nebraskan wings
that clear the air
to ease us the clouds

It's the one you've heard about
the one that roots inside your head
and curls around your heart
I'ts the one
that silences all the noise
and sings just the truth

King's Cross angel

I've seen
what cities do to men
I've heard
madness calling at your name
where else can we go?

I've seen
what fear does with hearts
I've heard
your silent tearful scream
how can we see it?

I've seen through love
I've seen through pain
I know that's all it is
I know it's meant to be

Can't weep a tear for it
Can't weep a tear for it

It's not you

The bad sign is over you
the four elements conspire
to bomb your way
no doubt

Your days are cursed
but don't even try
to do something
about it

It's a waste of time
just sit and relax
while your life past
from curse to damnation
through a feast of blames
uselessly safe
and in vain

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


No te engañes más
con otro hermoso reflejo
ellos no lo tienen
ellos no lo saben
no te duermas de nuevo
en otra plácida nube
ellas no lo tienen
ellas no lo saben

Vete al anochecer
por el camino sin senda
coge todas tus linternas
deja que las nubes
pongan los pies en la tierra
y los reflejos aprendan a cazar
solo la verdad

Apunta bien
prende a las sombras
llámalas por su nombre
ahógalas en luz

Sunday, 13 April 2014


No quiero hacer dinero
tampoco hacer carrera
no quiero hacer de héroe
tampoco de mártir
no quiero hacer
ni el bien ni el mal
tan solo quiero secar todas tus lágrimas
y volverte a hacer reir
tan solo quiero hacer música para todos tus lamentos
y volverte a ver bailar
Entre las ramas de la memoria cohibida nacen brotes de orquideas, cegadoras de vanidoso brillo, destinadas a forzar la mirada.
Recuerdos enterrados que claman exhumación, a cuyas causas- tamizadas por el dolor del instante y el apaciguador proceder del tiempo- debemos asirnos para conseguir salir del eslabón sin retorno.

Night hunter's desperate call

It's full moon
and my teeth are still
not covered in blood

it's full moon
and my heart's still
not flowing like a balloon

Not since you're gone
to infinite and beyond
not since you're done
with me and the moon

Muse exploiter

Back into my life
cleared it with light
filled it with sense
Updating the lectures 
about laughing and crying
but you'll only let me be
your secret kiss stealer
your hidden picture taker

And the one that you want
is the one you fear the most
and you fear yourself
as much or more

You said that
I'm in search of a tragic muse
one to exploit doing all the dirty tragic work
but it's just you who I'm looking for
the one and only cheerful muse

Fuse and spark 
of laughs and cries
light and life
the type I prefer to see
rather than to invent

And the one that I want
is the one I fear the less
and this brand new air is worth
the fervent pain and the restless wait

All your dreads
in a piece of clear  paper
will burn
and my hand will be
the one igniting
the flames

Implacable genética

Y no lo sabes
pero está en tus genes
Buscar la perdición
Y no lo dicen
pero está en tus genes
La sed de sangre infecta
No hay pócima ni invento
Que te salve de tu condición

Solo te queda esperar
A la redención del más allá
Solo puedes tratar de engañar
Al guardián de tu prisión
Un día más evitas confrontarte con tu colección privada de sueños. El peso ardiente de estos te fuerzan nuevamente a un baile hostil con sábanas y almohada; nada de salsa, tangos o dulces boleros, más bien el tipo de baile con el que Belcebú hostigaría a sus condenadas predilectas en otra noche asfixiante por los pozos del inframundo. Y así hasta que los primeros destellos del alba anestesian tu hipertrófico cerebro. Algunos presuntuosos apuestan a que no tardará mucho en explotar, dadle unos meses, dadle unas semanas.

El psicomago jefe declara al paciente numero 5500 incompatible con el 99,9 por ciento de los especímenes humanos hembra, pero le aconseja que no pierda la esperanza, hay una solución, digna y asequible: castración indolora subvencionada, cuanto antes.
Mejor ser un eunuco feliz que un machote atribulado, afirma el versado maestro de la mente disfuncional. 
La homosexualidad, por no disgustar al gobierno o al fantasma de la abuela, ni se contempla.
Ni el alcohol ni el sueño consiguen abatir el pánico a danzar con las nubes desde el vientre de un pájaro artificial. Solo tu recuerdo, y la esperanza de tu presencia, sirven de antidoto ante el terror madre- solo Eros, el amor o su ilusión, puede hacer frente a Thanathos, la muerte o su presagio.
Airports are hell; airplanes, Lucifer's favorite toys.
But once you are up there, caressed tenderly by those divine clouds, shaken by the trembling hands of a restless alcoholic pilot with too many forced landings settled on his central nervous system, thinking about your life and mostly about your likely imminent death, then, my flying friend, even the most radical of the atheists can feel the fresh breathe of heaven's lord


El esperador espera
Desde su desesperada esperanza
La esperada se hace esperar
Con esperanzada deseperación
Desesperante ante la esperanza del esperador

Blue flower

Blue flower in the grey forest
Tries to hide its beauty
But its beauty always finds it

Vanishes when the bees come across
Remains when a ladybug pass by
Pure and calm
Light and clear

A tender shyness makes it shine
Among everything else
Fragile leafs cover its thick stem
Drifting clouds won't let it see
the sun within them

It’s a blue flower
Spreading lilac perfume
Haunting everyone
Taking no one
Pure and calm
Light and clear

The colour of light

Here you are
the one with the bluest veins
the whitest teeth
the blackest eyes
the one with the rainbow soul

There I go
the clueless diver of your veins
the reckless climber of your teeth
the insatiable drinker of your eyes
the one willing to sleep inside your soul